We all know that creating interesting, engaging content for your company’s website is key to getting people to visit – and revisit – your site. But it can be hard to keep a fresh stream of content flowing, especially for a small business with so many other tasks on the docket. Fear not… here’s a few ideas for when inspiration just isn’t striking you!
Blog Ideas:
How-To Content: Tutorials are by far the most common kind of content in blogs right now. They help a customer solve a problem on their own while also engaging with your brand. The great thing about these kinds of posts is that they are not format specific – you can make videos, blogs, infographics, etc., and use them on all your platforms.
Topical Authority Content: This type of content is used to build your company’s credentials in your industry. It is one of the types of content Google specifically values, and can help with page rank. Usually, you indicate authority by linking to scientific studies, diving deep into detail on the topic (and having content pillars), and providing specialized knowledge that only someone who is an industry authority could.

‘Best of’ Guides: Not only are these guides fun to write, they are great for local SEO! You can write about topics specific to your business location (‘Best Restaurants of X City’, ‘Top 5 Things to Do in X City’), specific to product line (’10 Best New X for 2021’), or have employees come up with their own lists, and feature one every few months. There are always ways to keep them at least somewhat related to your business; if you sell coffee, do a ’10 Best Coffeeshops in X City’ list and if you make longboards, do a ’5 Most Beautiful Places to Skate Near X City’.
Industry News (with or without your opinions): Keeping customers up to date on your industry is a great way to also become a trusted resource, and to ensure return visitors to your site. While it can be a bit of a risk, adding your opinion can make you stand out – and possibly go viral! People love when companies take a stand, but make sure you’re really willing to defend it and it matches your company mission and values.
Interviews & Testimonials: An interview blog post can be a great way to give some insight into your company and your industry – and customers love company transparency. You can interview employees, industry experts, or even happy customers, and hearing from a voice other than yours can be a great way to engage potential customers.
Webpage Ideas:
FAQ Page: An FAQ page is great for local SEO and getting placement in the featured snippets section of Google Search Engine Results Pages, or SERPs (highly prized SEO real estate). These are easily optimized, and are also a handy page to which to refer customers when they contact you with common questions.
Resources Page: This could be a list of links to product documentation (like instructions or warranties), some links to academic or research topics related to your product or service, or maybe links to pages highlighting customers who are currently using your product or service in interesting and unique ways. Any external links can be leveraged to get valuable backlinks to your site, which are invaluable for SEO.
Tour Page: One way to get your potential customers invested in your company before they even step foot through the door is through a tour! Have a 360° image of the inside of your company (restaurant, shop, etc.), or a video tour, perhaps narrated by an employee, that shows people your business (with a few well-placed products along the way). You can also have a series of pictures with a text walkthrough, possibly containing quotes from employees that can be found as you move through the business.
Press Page: You should have a place on your site to make company announcements – this is a great resource for your employees AND your customers/potential customers. This page can also have high quality images of executives (and employees, depending on the size and type of company you have), along with professional shots of your office/restaurant/etc. (and maybe even some featured products!) that can be used by media.
Content remains king, and if you can continue to provide site visitors with informational and interesting content (that you also use in your social media and email marketing campaigns!), your audience will grow... and hopefully so will your profits!